Tel. 1.773.282.9992

“The success of any organization or cause certainly relies on the powers of teamwork as well as individual initiative… We all have our own unique talents, strengths, and assets to utilize if we choose to. . . I believe that no individual is above or below the next person, that we are all capable and worthy of making a difference in the world.“
~ M.A., volunteer
“I believe that volunteering is truly an amazing thing. Whether it is a Pancake Breakfast, a client dance, or just helping families pick up pizzas, volunteering always provides a sense of happiness, and allows a young adult such as me to make a difference. Throughout my years helping Austin Special, I have come to realize that doing work does not require a reward, and that the reward that is given should be the satisfaction in knowing that through this work, I have helped someone’s life… Through my experiences, I believe that I have become a better person, and that any volunteer would feel the same way.”
~ R.T., volunteer
For volunteer opportunities, see the Calendar of Fundraising Events. Volunteers are particularly needed for the Pancake Breakfast, Walkathon, Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive, and the Client Dance.
For more information, contact us at